We know, if you have come to this page, you are looking to purchase services, or in the least, are doing your homework.
Rest assured, we believe in being FAIR to you. The only fair way to give an accurate quote for window cleaning or exterior cleaning services, is to show up and give you a quote. I know we would all like to have that information instantly, but until we look at the work that needs to be done, it’s pretty hard to give an accurate quote.
To make life even more convenient, most of the time, you don’t even need to be there when we give a quote. We can usually do a quote seeing just the outside of the home. We even can e-mail a quote to you ON SITE, and you will have a chance to approve it and not have to be there! Talk about a TIME saver!
So while it would be convenient if we could just make up a number, we think it is only fair to you, that we show up and give an accurate price.
Call us TODAY so you can get that quote for window cleaning, house washing, roof cleaning, concrete cleaning, or deck/fence cleaning.
For more information see our contact us page.